Thank you for all that you have done to support this community of inspired people who care so passionately about the environment, the natural beauty of gardens, and the joy the Garden brings to so many. We are grateful for your thoughtful support of this growing community and the mission of New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill.

Donor Recognition

John Amoroso *
Eileen and David Barnett
Linda and Claude Benoit
Sarah and Allen Berry*
Patricia Bigelow*
Robert W. Booth Fund in Memory of George F. Booth at GWCF*
William Brumback
Susan and Paul Campion
Paul Cavicchio
Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia
Catherine Colinvaux and Phillip Zamore*
Danaher Foundation
John de Mattei in Honor of The Johnson Family
Leslie Duthie and Alan Morin*
Barbara and David Fleischer
French in Acton in Memory of Barbara Morse
The George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation
Elizabeth Green
Judith Green*
Linda and Abe Haddad*
Anita and Thomas Hagspiel in Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest King*
Karen and Craig Halvorson
Estate of June Sonja Havens
Sharon and Allen Krause*
Roxy and Dix Leeson*
Jean and Rick Leif*
Susanne Lucas
Massachusetts Cultural Council*
Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism*
Samantha McDonald and Ossian Cooney
The C. Jean and Myles McDonough Charitable Foundation*
Supriya and Satya Mitra*
Susan and Christopher Palatucci*
Arthur M. and Martha R. Pappas Foundation*
Pappas Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable in Honor of Barbara Morse*
Sam and Frank Reece*
Diane and Bill Robbins*
Cynthia Rogers
Barry Rogers*
Trudy Roybal and Steven Rowell*
Larry Simpson
Gayle and Chick Weiss*
Stacey Wilkinson
Shirley and Peter Williams*
Candace Young and Glenn Batchelder

Carol Abbot and Julie Jones* Maneesha and Udayan Kamerkar*
Jeanne Abmayr Kristen Kane
Divya Abraham Susan Kane
Justin Abreu Ali Kane and Nate Proctor*
Joy Ackerman Jim Karadimos and Bill Beever*
Donna Acox Lina Karetsky
Denise Adams Joan and Atilla Kariko
Alice Adams Dorothy Kauffman
Carol Addy* Adrianne Kaufmann
Ryan Agnew Leanne Kay
Patricia and James Aha* Barbara Kazmierczak
Carol Ahern Patricia and Kenneth Keefe*
Peter Alden* Donna Keesling and Eric Harting
Lisa Alexander* Elaine Keevin
Allisa Daigle John Kell*
Bonnie Alpert and Nathan Rome Paulette Kelley-Sherrill
Jamie Amaral Kathleen Kelly
Mary and Robert Ambrose Jacquelyn Kelly
Paula Anderson Rachel Kelly
Monique Anderson Bruce Kennaway
Wayne Anderson Frank Kennedy
Lisa Andre Donna Kessel and Deborah Moshinsky
Hilary Andreff Harikirin Khalsa and Peter Gray
Connor Andrews Areeba Khan
Kathryn Andrus Meaghan Kilian
Chrissie Angelini Mary King and Robert Hoyt*
Peggy Anketell Dominique and Zygmont Kintzer
Mary Ann Derzius Kristen Rowell Kirk
Jo Ann Wong Marie and Chad Kitchen
Mary Anne and Robert Powers Ellen and EJ Kluge
Carole Anne and Dana Scott Denise and Edward Kofron*
Anonymous (48) Geralyn and William Kohler
Wendy Ansdell Jessica Kondrat
Mary Ansell Gretchen Kossack
Lucy Aptekar and Gerald Leader Barbara Kostick*
Diane Aramony Sharon and Allen Krause*
Wendy and Rich Ardizzone Virginia and John Krawetz
Lori Arduini Robin Krawitz*
Christine Arsenault Nancy Kreinest*
Cathy and Dean Arvidson* Jennifer Kremer*
Heather Audette and Peter Reeves-Hall Kathleen and Gerald Krieger
Brittany Ault Nancy Krolewski
Peter Avenia Melissa and Bob Krygowski
Kurt Badstubner* Ben Kuehn
Jessica Baer and Zachary Hastings Elizabeth Kunhardt and Louis Swan*
Michael Baker David Kyte
Matt Baker Mia Lacombe
Alex Balcerski Sabrina Lafrance
Jennifer Balgie* Janice Lalikos and Nicola Francalancia
Debbie Ballard Debra and Dennis Lamarche
Anita Baltzersen* Jessica Lang*
Marlene Balzer Laurie Langelo
Matthew Barakian Jim Langway
Cameron Barca Leanne Lanieri
Cynthia Barker Steve Lanzendorf
Jan Barlow Nancy Lapelle and Susan Fahlund*
Sue and Dave Barnard Joseph Larkin
Alison Barr Marcy Larmon*
Beverly Barrett* Danielle Larsen
Julie Barrette Mary Ann Lasek and Konstantin Eliadi
Aileen Barretti Cinda Lautenschlegar*
Patricia Barrie* Sara Lauter
Caitlin Barry-King Steve Lavigueur
Rosanne Barsamian Susan and John Lawrence*
Emma Bartolini* Mary Le
Kate Baty Susan Leboeuf
Patricia Bazydlo Michelle Leclair
Nancy Beach Hilary Leclair
James Beaman* Annette and John Lee*
Gillian Beamer Theresa Lee*
Karen Bean Roxy and Dix Leeson*
Molly and John Beard* Daniel Leif
Carolyn Beaulieu Jean and Rick Leif*
Shannon Beaulieu Frances Lemieux
Robin and Jeff Bedell Amy Lenardson
Karen and Jon Belanger Cynthia Lens
Mara and Conrad Beliveau* Shauna Leofanti
Nancy Bender Barbara Leone
Karyn Bender Rhonda Lesanto
Judith and Paul Benedetto* Ann Marie and Alicide Letourneau
Sarah Benes Christine Letts
Judith and Christopher Berglund Ottilie and Jeffrey Levine*
Jennifer Bergman Judith Levine
Lori Bergman Angela Lewandowski and William Plater*
Kerry Bernard and Dan Costello Mark Lewandowski*
Barbara Bernardin* Dian Lewczyk*
Elissa Berry Chad Lewis
Erica and Edward Bertel Joanne Liburd
Patricia Berthiaume Susan and Wilfred Lieberthal
Cindy Bertrand Nancy Linsley*
Karen and Richard Bettencourt Peter Littlefield
Melanie and David Bianchi Megan Livingstone
Helen Bickford Edith Lohr*
Patricia Bigelow* Melanie and Kenneth Lombardi
Christene Binger Nicole Lopez
Diane and Tobias Bishop* Marie Lossky*
Judy and Frank Bissett* Louise Garone and William Gooley
Philippe Blais Lisa Lussier
Heather Blanchard* Jessa Luz Pereira
Michelle Blanchette Lisa Lyman*
Diane Bloksberg Marissa Lynch
Elaine Bloom* Kenneth Lysik
Betty Blute Suzanne and Gregory Maas*
Stephen Boczenowski Elsje and Peter Macaulay
Carolyn Bohmiller Lois Macek
Kimberly Boisclair Angela and Rory Mackenzie*
Paula Boisseau Connie Mackie
Marie-Elissa Boisvert Jenny Loew and Michael Machnowski*
Lorey Bonante Kasia Macko
Jane Boquist and Joseph Musto Elinor MacLennan
Michele Borden Geeda Maddaleni
Christopher Borg Patricia Magee and Oakes Plimpton
Diane Bosco Katherine Maher
Suzan and Arthur Boucher* Lisa and Scott Mailbor
Amanda Boudreau Joanne Maile
Dolores Boule* Indira and Baltej Maini*
Maureen Bowman* Mary Mainini
Jodi Boynton Melinda Majeweski
Gladys Bozenhard* Marion Malkasian*
Jennifer and Donald Bradford Anne Malley and Kathy Brewster
Barbara Brady and Tolga Erdogus* David Malling
Lisa and Robert Branca Keith Manheck
Suzette Braun Anne and Jerry Manney
Diane and Roy Brazelton Emily Manuel
Lois Breingan Sam Marchant
Nancy Brennan and Brian Podesta Brianna Marion
Teresa Brent Elliot Mark
Ellen Brezniak* Jean and Nandu Marketkar
Briana Papaleo Stacy Marsh
Melanie Britton Sharon and Edward Marshall*
Veronica Brocklebank Katherine Martel
Dianna Bronchuk Robert Martin
Kesha Brouillet Lisa Martin-Garlic
David Brown Ellen and Neil Marya
Greg Brown Anita Masterson and Carlton Watson
Aidan Brueckner Pavle and Zdenka Matijasevic
Ryan Bruhn Monika Matyas
Laura Brunstetter Erin Mauro
Sara and Paul Buckingham* Peggy Mayfield*
Nicola Buckley Aimee Mayo*
Chetankumar Buddi Jacquelyn Mazza*
Jennifer Shaw Bujold Ann and David McCann
Pat Burgess Dawn McCarrick*
James Burgess Jill McCarroll
Gail Burke Marilyn McCarthy
Christopher Burke* John McCarthy
David Burns Jettie McCollough
Vicki Burns Sharon McCollum
Michelle Busch* Barbara McCoubrey
Margaret and Jonathan Bush Laurie McCrohon and Kevin Hickey*
Anina Butler* Sarah McCue*
Eric Butler Kimberly McCullen
Lynn and George Butler* Nancy and Lawrence McCusker*
Brittany Butler Ann McDonald*
William Button Samantha McDonald and Ossian Cooney*
Misty Byers Lisa and Neil McDonough*
Joan and Patrick Byrne Margaret McEvoy-Ball*
Whitney Byrne Mary McGehee
Caitlin Mandel Anna McGlynn
Janelle and Edward Calamari* Barbara McGonagle*
Barbara Callahan Kate McGrath
Frank Callahan* Joyce and Robert McGregor*
Shayna Camacho James McGrory*
Heather Cameron Brenda McHugh
Alice Campbell* Kathryn McHugh
Joseph Campbell Kim McKean
Deborah and Glen Campbell* Wesley McLaurin
Michael Camporeale Ariane McMahan
Patricia Canali Catherine McNeal*
Faith Cannon Shelly McNulty
Lydia Capano* Linda Medwid
Barbara Caparso* Laura Melancon-Jeskey
Kristin Capezio* Rita Melia*
Theresa Capobianco* Yesenia Menendez
Manuela and Raymond Capodanno Cynthia Mesh and Martin Ferguson
Cheryl Cardarelli Julia Metzidakis and Daniel Terk*
Matt Carey Ann Michaud
Claudette Carini* Virginia and David Mickelson*
Denise Carlson Margery and Erwin Miller
Brigid and Dave Carlson Gabrielle Miller
Peter Carolan Janna Millette*
Sheryl and Mark Carpentier Diane and John Mirick*
James Carr Melissa Misch*
Jane Cartelli Tanishi Mishra
Mary Carter Mary Mishu
Lulu Carter Linda Miskiewicz*
John Casenelli* Mary Mitchell
Janice Cassidy and Jean Sweet Amal Moamar and Robert Ferstenberg
Michael Castriotta Siobhan Moisan
Ana and Alejandro Castro Tavish Moncure
Duglas Castro Maureen Mongeau*
Laura Caswell* Erik Moore*
Nancy and Robert Cavanaugh* Jess Moore
Anne and Michael Cecere Betsy Moquin
Cindy Cedrone* Christina Moquin
Lynne Chang Joyce and Don Moquin
Sumeet Chani Jennifer Moran*
Alexandra Chapman Kelsey Moran
Alice and James Chapman* Tiffany Moran
Victoria Chapman* Jennifer Morana
Jonathan Chase Jen Morano
Amy Chase and John Cryan Danielle Morcone
Diane Chellis Ellen More and Micha Hofri
Anne Chenausky Mary Morgan*
Melissa Chiasson Anne Morgan
Cheryl Chickering Amy Morgan*
Leslie Chiu Elena Morozova
Chris Chou Dawn Morrison
Michael Christian Trudy Morrison
Ellen Church Barbara Morse
Leah Ciappenelli and Beth Faherty Kelly Mott
Kim Ciborowski* Bopha Mouk
Diana Cioffari-Macphee* Sean Moyer
Denita Cipi* Patricia and James Moynihan
Anthony Cipro Nicholas Mulhane
Tracy Cirillo Meg Mulhern and Christian Weber
Susan Clancy Christine Muller
Eileen and Richard Clark* Diane and Todd Mulligan
John Clark* Bobby Mulvaney
Susan and David Clark* Mark Muncey*
Timothy Clark Sarah Muncey
Andrienne Clark* Mary Munson and Mark Finkelstein
Katherine Clem Mary Murphy
Judith Cmero* Meghan Murphy
Margaret Coffin Robin Murphy*
Daniel Cohen* Elisabeth and Michael Murphy
Annie Cohn and Kasey Poulin James Murray
James Cole and Jesus Rivera Laura Myers
Jean Cole* Kristi Mynhier
Kerri Coleman* Cindy Nagle*
Kevin Coleman Martha Narkowski
Catherine Colinvaux and Phillip Zamore* Jean Nasiatka*
Gina Colombo Stephen Natale
Felix Colon Martha Naughton
Annie Colturi Tara Neal
Janice Conlin Rosemary and Steve Nelson
Lauretta Conlon* Sandra and Carl Nelson
Juliana Connolly Lori and Daniel Newman
Maureen and Richard Connors* Mary Newth
Lisa and Christopher Conrad Joyce Nicholson*
Gale and John Consigli Lisa Nicholson
Jen Converse Paula Nieva
Marsha Coocen in Memory of Karen Imbalzano Suzanne Noone
Jennifer Coons Leif Nordstrom
Wendy Cordeiro Karen Norlin
Liz Cormier David Norton
Brian Cormier* Jackie and Edward Nowak*
Elizabeth Cornacchia Jessica Nuhibian Boisvert
Phil Cornetta Wanda and Donald Null*
Judith Cornoni* Adrienne Nys
Lisa Cornwall Pedro Ochoa
Rebecca Correa Judith and Ira Ockene*
Lisa Costa Kerry Oconnell
Carol Costello Jeremy O’Connell
Chris and Kevin Cotter Susan and Thomas O’Connor*
Judy and Robert Coughlin* Maura O’Donnell
Karen Couturier Jennifer O’Flaherty
Karen and Michael Cove Katherine and Neal Ogle
Tim Cox Arabella and Raymond Olander*
Jane Craig James Oleary
Nicholas Cram Cindy Olsen*
Marsha and Michael Cramer Bob Olson
Kathleen Crawford Greg Olwell
Lauren Crawford Caitlin Olwell
Jeannine and Thomas Creamer Stephanie Opalka
Christine Judycki Crepeault and Peter Crepeault* Jacqueline Orfalea
Donna and Ron Crocker Suzan Osborn*
Derek Crossman Rick Ostberg
Joan Crosson* Jane and Bill O’Toole
Diane Crowe* Pam Pacelli
Joan and Ralph Crowley* Susan and Christopher Palatucci*
Jan McDaniel Cummings* Michelle Palmer
Denise Cunniff Jeanne Pandiani
Barbara Cunningham-Knipe Robert Pantzer
Carolyn Curran Samantha Paradis
Meagan Curran Vanessa Parks and James Amorello
Antoinette Czekanski* Michael Parrella
Stephen Dadagian Elizabeth Parsley and John Ciarlante
Linda Dagnello and Michael Pagano* Theresa Parsons
Crystal Daher Jan Patterson
Jill and Matthew Dailey Gregory Paul
Janet Damiata and Mario Damiara Holly and Raymond Pavlak
Sally and Herbert Dane* Catherine Payne
Sandy Daries* Sylphina and Brandon Peck
Elizabeth Darley Jane and Ralph Peck*
Dawn Davies* Zachary Pecore
Aryanna Davis Debra Pelkey*
Cheryl Davis Lucy Pelland
Laurie and Phil Davis* Lisa Pepi*
Sheila Davison* Jason Pepin
John Day* Carolyn Perkins
Josiane de Jesus Keli Perron
Samantha de la Cruz Cindy and Stephen Petelle
Phil Dean Karen Peters
Jillian Decker* Nicole Peterson*
Faye Decker and Michelle Baldwin Kelton Petrolli
David Decker* Carol and Edward Petrow*
Andrew Decker* Barbara and Robert Pezzini
Barbara DeCoste* Christine Pfeiffer
John Deedy* Pamela Pflugradt
Judith Dehart Andy Pham
Rebecca Delagorgendiere Patricia Phaneuf*
Barbara and Robert Delauder George Philipp
Mercedes Delgado Ari Phillippi
Nicole D’Emanuele Gary Phillips
Nicholas Dembsey* Susan and Craig Phyfe*
Nancy and Bernie DeMelle Shelley and Guy Pickering
Linda Demers Mark Pielocik
Sharon Demers Marta Pietroforte
Tricia Demmers Karl Piez
Linda DeNittis Martha Pike
Claudia Dent* Ann Marie Pilch and Michael Craren
Marilyn Dent Martin Pillsbury
Sarah Depaolo Sherri and David Pitcher
Kathryn Depaolo Marsha Platt*
Dawn DePathy Ellen Plattner
Veronica Derby Pavan Pokkunuri
Janet Rose and Christopher DeRosa Susan Porada
Diane Derrick Rob Potter*
Adrienne Dery JoAnne Potvin
Sophie Descoteau Cheryl Pouliot
Leslie DeSimone and Kenneth Descoteaux* Denise Powell
Rodney Desiral Deborah Powers*
Olivia Destefani Beth Powers
Kathleen Devericks* Irene Praeger
Torrance Devericks Erin Price
Riccardo Di Capua* Elizabeth Pulzetti
Maite Dickenson JP Putnam
Shadia Dieguez Terri Quinn
Jeanne Dietel* Philip Raffa
Deborah and Ananin Diiorio* Gail Randall*
Kathleen and Allen Dillaire* Mark Randall
Donna Dimock* Christine Randall
Mary Dineen and Jennie Rathbun* Julianna Randell
Keiko and David Dion Jo’Anne Ranslow
Kristen Ditch Tony Raposo
Maryellen Doherty Ann-Cathrine Rapp
Tracy Donahue* Kathryn Raymond*
Sheila Donahue Keara Reagan
Caroline and Joseph Donnelly Annette Rebovich*
Susan Doolittle Amber Redmond
Darleen Doona Lisa Reed
Grace and Michael Doran Amanda and Gerald Reid*
Michael Dosmann Debra and Arthur Remillard*
Sandra Doty Nicole and Regan Remillard*
Theresa Doughty Tina Render and Sue Dacey
Brian Douglas* Ann Resetar*
Chris Douglass Sandra Revett
Linda and John Dowd* Renee Rice
John Dowd Brett Richards
Nicole and Christopher Dowd Louise Riemer*
Patricia Doyle* Karl Riemer*
Patricia Drouin Michael Rigby
Melanie Drury Leann and Chuck Roberts
Laurie Dubois Steve Robsky
Valerie Duda Gloria Roe
Sarah and Michael Duffy* Barbara Rolfes*
Lizzy Duffy Ryan Rondeau
Alissa and Brian Duke* Dyan and Richard Rook*
Joelle Dumont Paula Roseen
Kelly and Jacob Dunnell Pamela Rosi*
Tracy and Steven Dunnells Fay and Paul Rossley*
Rose and Paul Duquette Maryanne Rotelli
Joannie and Bob Duris* Anne Roth
Mark Dyen* Emily Rothschild
Jean and Michael Dziokonski Timothy Rousseau
Pamela and Thomas Eagar Anne-Marie and Paul Routhier
Tim Eichner Carolyn Roux
Shannon Eichorn Libbie and Philip Rowell*
Mary Ellen Leahy Joyce and David Rowell
Mildred and Ralph Ellis Jennifer Rowe-Mitchell*
Jane and Perry Ellis* Carolyn Roy
Grace and Alexander Elton* Christine Roy
Patty and Joe Elton Carla Royak Volturo and Gregg Volturo
Sheri Elwell Rinat Roytman*
Mindi Ennis Ruth Rubin*
Laurel Eosco Anne and Charles Rudig*
Nate Ernst* Mary-Lou Rup*
Linwood Erskine* Hayley Russell
Kathleen Esposito Georgia and Chuck Russo
Kevin Esposito Rita Rzezuski
Mark Ethier* Elizabeth and Frank Saba*
John Eul Denise Sabino
Diana Eusse Maureen Sabolinski
Denise Evans Meghan Sainte*
Ruth and Robert Evans Ana Salort
Emily Everett Anne and Steven Samuels*
Pat Faldetta* Catherine Sanguinetti
Judy Fallon* Elizabeth Sanning
George Farah Kirie and Tony Santos
William Faranda Ruth Sarafinas
Irmine Farmerie Julie Sargent
Claire and Christopher Farrell Shelley Sartini
Emily Farris Patricia Sayegh
Tom Farro Suzanne Scarlata
Michelle Feddersohn Cecelia Schmuck
Eileen Feldman Jocelyn Schnizler
Connie Fennell Amy Schrepfer-Tarter
Tia Ferguson Amy and Richard Schroder
Tracy Ferguson Eileen Schwalm
Janice and Craig Ferrell Anna Scott and Steve Chwiecko
Janet Fertig and Marshall Giguere* Deborah Sedares
Adrien Finlay and Christopher Ranjitkar* Patricia Seeney
Sara Finneault Sherry Seeton
Laurie Finstein Hilary Sefcik and Mark Dittelman
Tracy Firth Ivan Segundo
Elaine Fisher Lauren Seibold
Valerie Fisk George Sermuksnis*
Jennifer Fitch Karin Settel
Sheila Fitzgerald Jennifer Shaby
Cynthia Flaherty Joan and Daniel Shanahan
Sheila Flaherty Barbara Shapiro*
Janet Fleming John Sheehan*
Mary and Warner Fletcher* Pauline Sheehan
Jenn Flynn Linda and Mark Shelton*
Kathleen and Sean Flynn Luz Shepherd*
Kathryn Flynn Heather Sheridan
Robin and Peter Foley Kathleen Shields
Cameron Foley Sara Shields and Bruce Fishbein*
Taylor Foley Nancy and Charles Sides
Renee Fonseca Heidi Siegrist
Elaine Fontaine Joan Sienkiewicz
Amanda Fontana Andrew Sigel*
Nancy Foster Alexis Silver
Patricia and Stephen Fountain Mike Simari
Elizabeth Fox and Timothy Boddy* Jennifer Simes
Cheryl and Alan Fraser Karen Simms and Thomas Quarles*
Bettye Frederic Suzanne and Alan Simoncini
Pamela Fredrickson* Richard Simonian
Dorothy Freeman Karina Sinha
Clare Frey Suzanne Sipowicz
Jane Friedman Ruth and Larry Skala*
Meredith Frost Amanda Skonetski
Pamala and Brian Frye Susan Skulley
Janice and Mark Fuller* Tracy and Charles Sladen*
Barbara Fullerton* Beth and Matt Slepian
Lindsay Gabrielson Kellie and Brad Smith
Melanie Gage and William Breidenbach Thomas Smith*
Helene and Guido Gagliano Carol and Kevin Smith*
Timothy Gagne Tayler Smith
Georgiana Gagnon* Patricia Smith
Cristina Galecia-Tung Marguerite and John Snow
Karen Gallagher-Dorval Tifany Soba
Christopher Gallotta Lynda and Robert Sorrenti*
Kim Gamblin Mary Soucy*
Catherine Gandek* Joyce Southworth*
Elaine and James Ganger Penny Spear Kaczyk and Eugene Kaczyk*
Matt Garber Carol Speiser
Anastasia Garcia David Sperry*
Noah Gardner Jessica Sprague
Patricia Garrett Edith Springer
Paula and Kenneth Garrigus* Mark Spuria
Lisa and Justin Gaskill Michele St. Germain
Chiru Gathuo Joseph St. Pierre
Gary Gaudet James Stack*
Ashling Gaughan and Kent Russell* Jill and Theodore Standish
Virginia Gauss* Nancy Stanton
Jon Gebarowski Sally and John Stanton
Deborah Gebo and Michael Reed Beth Stark*
Heather Gelardi Berit Steen
Maggie Geller Sarah Steinberg
Charlsey Gentile and Eric Penney Heather Steinmann
Ross Germain* Howard Stempler
Lindsay and George Germanos Neal Stevens
Morgan Giammasi Bettina Stevens
Lisa Kirby Gibbs and Peter Gibbs* Beverly and Mark Stewart
Julia Gilstein Diane and Robert Stewart*
Patricia and Richard Gipps* Suzanne Stimson
Ilene Gipson and Henry Keutmann Maryellen Stokarski
Alicia Gittleman Amy Stoll and John Hill
Mark Glasser Gwen Stone
Laurie Gleason* Piotr Storczynski
Louise and David Gleason John Stowe
Joyce and Richard Godfrey Debra Strandberg*
Mannie Goldberg Anna Stranieri
Susan Goldscheid Mary Ann Streeter*
Brandy Golenia Jeffrey Strom*
Susan Gomes Marie Sturgis
Alvin Gomez Erik Stynes
Christine Gonzalez Janet Such*
Jose Gonzalo Clarisse Sugar
Elizabeth Gormally* Jalina Suggs
Dennis Gorman* Gina Sullivan
Kristen Goyne* Maureen Sullivan
Nancy Grady Jim Sullivan
Amelia Graham Paula Sulmasy
Sarah Grambs Karen Sun
Michelle Grandin Lucy Sutherland
Richard Granger* Christy Sutton
Joanne Graziano Constance Swalec*
Susan Green Michael Swaney
Barry Greene* Joan and Nick Swearer*
Jeff Greim Patricia Sweeney
Helen Greiner* Lynne Sweet
Skylar Grenier Jennifer Szczuka
Leslie Grenier* Kara Taft
Lynne Grettum* Mary Tajima
Karen Griegal Jessica Tarselli
Heather Griffin* Janet Tast*
Charles Griffith Evelyn Tate
Marcia and Shaun Grimley Lindsay Tatnall
Donna Grogan Ava Taylor*
Ellen Grover Emma Terho
Lawrence Gruber* Jennifer Terkanian
Kristen Gruseck Laura Terzian
Vicky Gudelot Kevin Teves
Maria Guillily and Bryan Hudock Kelly Theriault
Diane Guldner* Susan and David Therrien*
Erica and Branden Gunn* Patricia and Gerard Thibault
Gabrielle Gura-Gold Kari Thibeault*
Margaret Gurnett Erin Thomas
Kristine and Paul Gustafson* Patti Thompson and John Ellenberger*
Amy and Leif Gustavson* Emily Thompson
Patrick Guthrie Zhennaa Thompson
Jennifer Guthrie Luella Thompson
Ruth and Jonathan Haber Judith Thompson*
Linda and Abe Haddad* George Thomson
Robin Hagar Debra Thornburg
Caleb Hagarty Diana Tihenea
Donna Haggett Heli and William Tomford*
Anita and Thomas Hagspiel* Gail Ton
Serena Davis Hall and Brent Hall* Tracey Toombs
Susan Hall* Stephanie Tortora
Jim Hallock Sandra Traibman
David Hallock* Kathleen and William Trainor
Kate and Tom Halpin* Linh Tran
Patricia and Thomas Halpin* Kandra and Tony Tranghese
Christopher Halpin Ann-Marie and Anthony Trapasso
John Hamel Valerie Tratnyek and Robert Manlick
Elizabeth Hamre Moyra and Robert Traupe*
Lauren Hankin Cindy Truax and Tom Kane
Stephanie Hanlon Stephen Trimble
Laura Hansen Maureen Tripp
Coralia Harder Electa Tritsch
Brittany Hargreaves Raquel Truman in Honor of Lydia Grimaldo
Melissa Harold James Tucker
Dorothy Harris* Samantha Tucker
Dymphna Harriss Jean Turcotte and Joan Kaplan
David Hart Karin Turer*
Linda, Janet, and Carolyn Hartke Rachel Tutein
Deborah and Stephen Hartline Valerie Uber
Adar Hascal Melissa Umano
Charley Haskins Lindsey Underhill
Heidi and Gary Hatke* Linda Underwood*
Suzanne Hauerstein and Aaron Castellano* Kathleen and John Vaccaro*
Danielle and Michael Haxton* Lydia Vagts and Clio Quilter-Vagts*
Deirdre Healy and Larry Vidoli* Alice Valle*
Patricia Heavren Danielle Vallee
Britt Hed* David Valleli*
Kari Heistad Shari van Hook
Janice and Richard Helle Paul van Norman
Gail Helser Gayle VanFleet
Matthew Helser* Amy Varga
Jean Hendrix Anna Varlese
Connie and Benjamin Herbstman Jean and Herbert Varnum*
Samantha Hervieux Amber Vayo
Ernest Hesling Kaleigh Vecchiarello
Honee Hess and Philip Magnusson Beth and Tom Vetras
Lori Heyler and Chance Ruggiero Elizabeth and Chip de Villafranca
Carole Hilton* Peter Viner-Brown
Siriardaas Hinnegan-Stevenson Amy and Joseph Virbasius*
Marie Hobart and William Kadish* Laura Vlacovsky*
Denise Hobby Emily Volpe
Alice Hochman Gayle Vonasek*
Frances and Robert Hodge Bruce Walker
Catharine Hodgson and Frederick Crocker* Danielle Walker
John Hoey Stephanie Walsh
Sue Hogan Jacquelyne Walsh
Linda and Stanley Holden Meghan Wander*
Anthony Holder Kimberly Ware
Mary Holland Linda Wasbes
Victoria Holland* Kristin Waterhouse
Amy Holley Venus Watson
Amos Hollinger Arlene Wattu
Barbara and Thomas Hollister* Jon Way*
Lee Lee Holman Dale Weaver
Niki Holtzman Cindy Webb
Meghan Honigman Suzanne Webber
Warren Hoppie Cynthia Webber
Keira Horowitz Elizabeth Webber
Rose Horwitz Mary Weber*
Barbara and Amos Hostetter Catrin Weimbs
Jeffrey Houle Susan Welton*
Tim Houlihan* Astrid Wendth
Jeffrey Hovhanesian* Norman Wendth
Rebecca Huard Carolyn Wentzell
Peggy Hubbard* Christina and Matthew West
Alissa Hudson Kara Westerman
Diane Hughes* Susan and Bill Whalen*
Kathleen Humphreys Robin Wheeler
Susan and James Hunnewell Tiffany Whiles
Carrie Hunton Linda and Kevin White
Margaret Hurley and Michael Stygles* Judith White
Sally Hutchings Kathleen Wiedeman
Harriet and Keith Hutchins Regina Wiedenski*
Larry Iannetti Mary Jane Wignot*
William Iberg* Leah Wilcox
Michael Ibrahim Kurt Williams
Carol and Zoran Ilic Michelle Williams
Jeanette and Thomas Ingersoll Tom Wilson
Maxwell Israeloff Wanda Wilson and Michael Beauoin
Susan and Michael Ivas Jennifer Wilson
Anna Jablonka Amanda Wimble
Monica Jackson Joseph Wines
Maryann Jacobs Kenneth Wing
Trish and Richard Jacobs Elaine Winic*
Howard Jacobson* Janet Winquist*
Robert Jacobson Natasha Winslow
Leslie Jacobson Kaye and Richard Kaye Cara Winterble
Gitu Jain* Tom Winters
Rakesh Jain Carol Wipper
Francis James Rebecca Wolfram and Nick Kundu
Gregg Janda Kate Wollensak Freeborn and Jim Freeborn
Mary Jane Wignot Annarita and Anselm Wong
Mary Jane Peck Jane Woolsey*
Heather Janson Deborah Wright*
Pamela Jarboe Nikki Wu
Jasmin Jata Ann and Mitchell Yelin
Jillian Jette Peter Yesair
Marty Jo Henry Cheryl Young*
Patricia and Thomas Johnson* Derek Yu
Maureen Johnson Li Yu
Kathleen Johnson Carol and Carl Zagame
Beth and Kevin Johnson Robin Zaia
Susan Johnson* Sandra and Edward Zaitt
Amber Johnson Linda Zambarano
Cheryl Jones Veronica Zaragoza and Juan Rodriguez*
Kevin Jones Allysa Zemke and Brett Flaher
Marco Joubert Panyu Zhang
Robin Junkins Judith and Bruce Ziemski*
Arjol Kabilo Christina Zollo
Karen and Michael Kagan Christina and Larry Zook
Marielle Kaifer

President’s Circle $25,000+
Louise Riemer*

Patron $5,000-$9,999
Catherine Colinvaux and Phillip Zamore*
Lisa Kirby Gibbs and Peter Gibbs*
James Heald, II*
Ervin Johnson*

Benefactor $2,500-$4,999
Susan and John Bassick*
Sarah and Allen Berry
Tommy Dearborn*
Mary and Warner Fletcher*
Mary Hamaker and Paul Lewkowicz*
Jim Karadimos and Bill Beever*
Jean Keamy and Michael Fitzpatrick*
Roxy and Dix Leeson
Jean and Rick Leif*
Cathie Markham and Greg Muldowney
Cindy and Steve Pitcher*
Pamela Reid*
Linda Robbins*
Barbara Rolfes
Mary and Ted Shasta*
Lynne and George Tonna*
Dolly Vasquez and Allen Fletcher*
Marillyn Zacharis*

Member $1,500-$2,499
Kathy Abbott*
John Amoroso*
Barbara Bernardin*
Patricia Bigelow*
Penny and Geof Booth*
Karen and Bert Brandse*
Tammy and George Butler*
Betsy DeMallie*
Jane and Perry Ellis*
Grace and Alexander Elton
Marianne Felice*
Mj Fors and Thomas Fox*
Ashling Gaughan and Kent Russell*
Doris Gould and David Fields*
David Grenon*
Susan and John Groves*
Linda and Abe Haddad*
Anita and Thomas Hagspiel*
Patricia and Thomas Halpin*
Mary Hamaker and Paul Lewkowicz*
Michelle and Michael Herlihy
Richard Irwin*
Howard Jacobson*
Cindy Truax and Tom Kane*
Maureen and Bill Kelleher*
Judy King*
Annette and John Lee*
Jenny Loew and Michael Machnowski*
Janet Lombardi*
Ruchika and Achla Madan
Melanie and Dale Magee*
Indira and Baltej Maini*
Matt Mattus and Joe Philip*
Carolann McAdam
Samantha McDonald and Ossian Cooney*
Lisa and Neil McDonough*
Nancy McKenna
Shiamin and Rajendra Melville*
Beth and Wayne Mezitt*
Katharine Michie*
Linda and David Milton*
Supriya and Satya Mitra*
Jane and Andres Molina*
Julia Moore and Jock Herron, Jr.*
Mahroo Morgan*
John Murphy*
Sharon and Dennis Murphy
Judith and Ira Ockene
Patricia and Joseph Oyer
Susan and Christopher Palatucci*
Martha Pappas*
Ulum Pixan Athoh’il Suk’il and Matthew Feinstein*
Ann Cahoon and Chris Ploof
Phyllis Pollack*
Kita and Chris Reece*
Diane and Bill Robbins*
Mary and Ted Shasta*
Sara Shields and Bruce Fishbein*
Chloe Sundberg*
Susan Primm Thel*
Martha and Tony Tilton*
Carol and Leif Uptegrove*
Shannon and Graham Wall
Gayle and Chick Weiss*
Elise and Roger Wellington*
Barbara and Mark Wetzel*
Robin and Wally Whitney*
Phyllis and Richard Whitten*
Shirley and Peter Williams*
Faren Williams and Luke Maki*
Emily and Tom Wood
Tara and Adam Young*
Susan Zweizig and Wynn Bowers

Young Professionals $1,000-$1,499
Lauren and Gregory Brown

Mary Adley In Memory of Loann Rollins Thomas
Kristina Allen in memory of Ellen L. Lutz
Barbara and Tess Anketell in Memory of James Anketell
Wayside Athletic Club in Memory of Michael Arnum
Charlene Baron* in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Susan Bez in Memory of Eckhard Bez
Michele and Eri Brooks in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Dayna Brooks in Memory of Barbara Morse
Patricia Bukoski in Memory of Senator John E. and Alice Powers and Theresa and Joseph Lipinski*
Lesley Burnap in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Patti Burns-Ente in Memory of Leone Kelley Burns
UMass Chan Medical School in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Catherine Colinvaux and Phillip Zamore* in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Judith and Jason Cotton in Memory of Barbara Morse
Wendy Coughlin in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Peter Darlow in Honor of Paul Darlow
David Defilippo and Lisa Shapiro in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Joyce and Craig Dewallace in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Tricia Doane in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Amy and Elizabeth Eyler-Pelletier in Honor of Joan Eyler
Wiggins Family in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Susan Foley in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
French in Acton in Memory of Barbara Morse
Elizabeth Gardner in Memory of Donald Eastman
Diana Ghize in Memory of Paul Ghize
Renee Goodheart in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Alison Heintz in Honor of Anne and Bob Deysher
Marie and William Herlich in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Barbara Jordan in Memory of Margarete “Omi” J. Klotz
Tom Kane* in Memory of Diane Kane
Margi Katz and Nick Nicholson in Memory of Frances Jean Blake
Cynthia and Bri Kelch in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Elizabeth Kerrigan in Honor of Alejandro Morales*
Jannie Kitchen and Ian McCahill in Honor of Michaela Jacobs and CJ Bascom
Sabrina Kozikis in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Heidi and Joe Kozikis in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Art Kreiger in honor of Jane Ellis
Samuel Kulp in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Kate Lapane in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Meredith and Ben Leiker in Honor of William Wurzburg
Elizabeth Luna in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Jennifer Martino in Honor of Ellen Martino
Gregg Minichiello in Memory of William Russell
Denise and Bruce Muirhead in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Christine and James Olwell* in Honor of Barbara Morse
Olwell Family in Honor of Barbara Morse
Kita and Chris Reece in Memory of Barbara Morse
Anne Rocheleau in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Kathleen and David Rocheleau in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Shenan Russell in Memory of George Fix
Kathy Ryan in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Vivian Sager in Memory of Barbara Morse
Celia Schiffer in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Vivian Shortreed* in Memory of Michael Shortreed
Annette and Rick Stratton in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Claudine Tetu in Memory of William Russell
Morgan Thompson in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Kathleen Thompson in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Tomford Family in Memory of Barbara Morse
Robin Tracy* in Memory of Dan Tracy
John Turner in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Jean Underwood in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Kevin Werner in Memory of Karen Imbalzano
Linda Woodard in Memory of Jim Anketell
Worcester Garden Club* in Honor of Susan Palatucci
Tara Zantow in Memory of Barbara Morse
Estate of Robert F. and Helen H. Florsheim
Estate of Marilyn W. Griswold
Estate of Barbara L. Morse
AmazonSmile Foundation*
Bemis Outdoor Fund*
The Benevity Community Impact Fund*
Boylston Cultural Council*
Bright Funds Foundation*
Commonwealth Corporation
Daymarc Foundation
Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation*
The Elizabeth Taylor Fessenden Foundation*
Fidelity Charitable Giving Fund*
The Helen Clay Frick Foundation
Garden Club of America
Greater Worcester Community Foundation*
The Hart Foundation
Kitchings Family Foundation*
Massachusetts Cultural Council*
Massachusetts Port Authority
The Merck Foundation
Rockwell Foundation*
The San Diego Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund*
Schwartz Charitable Foundation*
The Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust
Webster Five Foundation*
The Nathaniel Wheeler Trust*
Worcester Educational Development Fund*
Worcester Garden Club*
Wyman-Gordon Foundation*
Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation*
4 Corners Builders
AARP Massachusetts*
Armsby Abbey
Bay State Savings Bank*
The Boeing Company*
Friends of Cary Memorial Library
Central One Federal Credit Union
Commonwealth Electrical Technologies*
Fletcher Tilton PC
Four Seasons Realty Partners
Gourmet Caterers/Peppers
International Ceramic Engineering
MakeMeSmile and CouponChief
NBM, Inc.
Harrison McPhee
Reliant Medical Group
Murphy Insurance Agency*
National Grid*
Old Sturbridge Village
Onstage Talent Group
Reliant Medical Group*
Scituate Garden Club
State Street Foundation*
Child Life Program – UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School*
Webster Five Cents Savings Bank*
YourCause, LLC
Hunter Blanchard*
EcoTec, Inc.
HMEA’s Autism Resource Central
United Rentals*

*1842 Circle, donor with two or more consecutive years of giving.